I will never apply for Amavubi job – Kayiranga

AMAVUBI assistant coach Jean-Baptiste Kayiranga has stated that he will never make any formal request to manage the national team when his current contract expires.

Sunday, April 06, 2014
Kayiranga on the bench during a league game with his league side Gicumbi FC. (File)

AMAVUBI assistant coach Jean-Baptiste Kayiranga has stated that he will never make any formal request to manage the national team when his current contract expires.

Eric Nshimiyimana and Kayiranga have been in charge since March 2013 when Serbian Milutin Sredojovic Micho was booted.

However, it remains to be seen whether the duo will be retained or replaced when their contracts runs out.

As Rwanda Football Federation, Ferwafa, gears up to find a new coach for Amavubi, it seems they will have to wait until July, when the contract of the technical staff will expire, contrary to reports that the contracts will expire at the end of April.

Speaking to the media on Thursday, Kayiranga said, "We hear press reports that Ferwafa is searching for a new coach, but no one has talked to us about the issue.”

"When my contract expires, I don’t think I will apply for the job because I fully understand what it means to be a coach and those who pick national team coaches know our potential more than anyone else. If they keep trust in me and retain me, I will continue to work with Amavubi,” he stated.

Kayiranga, who also doubles as the head coach of national league side Gicumbi FC, noted, "I am thankful for being given the opportunity last year to be on the technical staff, and it’s up to them (Ferwafa)  to make the decision, but the fact is I will never apply for the Amavubi job.”

Ferwafa’s Secretary General Olivier Mulindahabi said recently, "The current technical team will be replaced in July after the expiry of their contracts. We can’t appoint a new coach when we have people with their contracts still in play.”

"And in any case, we can’t pay two coaches at the same time. It’s not possible, we have to wait until their contracts expire and decided whether to renew or go for someone else,” added the newly appointed SG.

The same position applies to the current technical director Richard Tardy, who is also set to leave the post to concentrate on the Amavubi Under-20 team.

Burundian FA Technical Director Dominique Niyonzima is reported to be the person expected to replace Tardy.