Lean on God and pursue a passionate life

Fear of the unknown grips the centre of our being, compels us not to aspire and portrays a false image of doubt.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Fear of the unknown grips the centre of our being, compels us not to aspire and portrays a false image of doubt.

Notably, generations from every tongue and nation have walked on this earth by faith or rather optimistic instinct that life will bring its many tidings.  Majority of God’s people have passed on with unfulfilled dreams. Some unexpectedly die, others live daily with full of regret for not developing their gifts and talents.

The wise book of Proverbs 12:24 "The diligent hands will rule but laziness ends in forced labour.”  What does it take to achieve your God-given purpose in life? The Word of God clearly encourages us to be diligent, steadfast and action-minded otherwise you reap forced labour out of wishful thinking. 

In the book of Acts 13:36, the Bible reminds us of how King David fulfilled God’s purpose in his generation, he fell asleep with his fathers and his body decayed.” What an awesome statement! David did not live a perfect life that did not give room for mistakes, rather his life displayed total dependency on God. His strength, fame, wealth and existence as the king of Israel who reigned for forty years marked a legacy for all generations to admire.

David was a diligent man in obeying God’s commands and following the path of righteousness throughout his lifetime. He tirelessly worked towards fulfilling his mandate here on earth by passionately pursuing his creator. He couldn’t let his eyes off from God, rather chose to be a doorkeeper of God’s temple than be in the house of the wicked. 

Time has come for this generation to live up to their dreams and accomplish them to the brim. We can look to David and the legacy he left behind. We can admit there is turmoil surrounding us but we can prevail if we lean on God’s guidance and truth. 

The Prophet Habakkuk (Hab 2:2) tells us to write down the vision and make it plain on tablets so that he who reads it may run. 

Recover whatever dream or deepest desire laid in your heart, draw it out with God’s mighty hand and write it down, strategise on how achievable it is and let your whole self be diligent to pursue it.

Hardly do we know that Heaven watches every step we take towards our destiny and encourages through the ministry of angels to carry out our God given purposes here on earth .We should daily encourage ourselves to run the race of faith with endurance, with full assurance that our God will never leave nor forsake us.