Kicukiro: How alleged serial killer picked his victims
Wednesday, September 06, 2023
Denis Kazungu, an alleged serial killer was arrested on Tuesday, September 5 in Kicukiro district, Gashiriki village, in the City of Kigali. He is suspected of killing and burying people in his rented residence.File

Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) has revealed more information regarding Denis Kazungu, an alleged serial killer who was arrested on Tuesday, September 5 in Kicukiro district, Gashikiri village, in the City of Kigali.

ALSO READ: RIB arrests alleged serial killer

The 34-year-old is suspected of killing and burying people in his rented residence. RIB is yet to establish the number of the victims, but reports indicate they are more than ten.

Speaking to The New Times on Wednesday, September 6, RIB spokesperson Thierry Murangira said Kazungu had been arrested earlier on in July on charges of theft, rape, robbery and use of threats but was granted bail because there wasn’t enough evidence.

Thierry Murangira, the spokesperson for Rwanda Investigation Bureau. File

"Investigations continued regarding his case until he was rearrested and his home was searched. The investigators found a pit he had dug in his kitchen, where he used to bury those he killed,” Murangira said.

He added that RIB has deployed forensic investigation experts to the crime scene to find out the number of the victims and their identity, before Kazungu’s file is processed and submitted to the prosecutors.

The suspect is currently being held at Kicukiro RIB station.

In an interrogation, Kazungu told investigators that he always found his victims in the bar. He would convince them to go with him to his home. After reaching his residence, he would rape them, rob and kill them.

"RIB thanks all residents of Rwanda for their continuous collaboration by providing information, so that suspects are presented before justice,” RIB’s statement read, adding that the information provided helps in thwarting other possible criminal plans.

Murangira called upon anyone with any more information regarding Kazungu to share it by visiting RIB’s Kicukiro station or calling its toll free line (116).

If convicted, Kazungu may be sentenced to life imprisonment, the heaviest sentence that can be prescribe under Rwanda's criminal justice system.