EDITORIAL: Back to school

This week lots of young will be heading back to school.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

This week lots of young will be heading back to school.

Typically considered unwelcome, the end of the holidays is in fact a relief for some.

Check out this week’s Focus (page 3) to find out why some people are looking forward to term time.

For those of you who are less enthusiastic turn to page 9, our ‘How to’ will provide some tips on how to ease your little one’s return to school.

As students across the country prepare themselves for a new term, it might also be worth asking why learning is so important.

Education is an essential preparation for life and work.

Modern economies require skilled and motivated workers, who can only profit from the opportunities they afford if they are equipped to respond to their demands.

As we strive to make Rwanda’s economy modern, let us remember it will only be possible with the skills learnt at school and then at university.Today’s students are the future.

This is not supposed to be a lecture! There are plenty of those in store.

I just want to wish you all the very best of luck this term.
