Women group earmarks Rwf250m budget

BENISHYAKA Association has earmarked more than Rwf250 million for its programmes this year.

Monday, March 31, 2014

BENISHYAKA Association has earmarked more than Rwf250 million for its programmes this year.

The budget, approved by the associations’ general assembly over the weekend will be allocated to economic empowerment of vulnerable households and fight against HIV/Aids.

Betty Gahima, the executive secretary of the association, said beneficiaries will be helped to start small businesses.

"We resettled more than 112 families in Nyagatare District and we have a number of integrated programmes being carried out there, ranging from agriculture to livestock farming,” she said.

Benishyaka has over the past 20 years helped more than 10,000 students with basic needs and paid university tuition for more than 15 people.

Jane Gatete Abatoni, the chairperson of the association, said they have achieved a lot and would like to build on the past success.

"We are proud of what we have  achieved so far but are still determined to achieve more,” Abatoni said.

She added that the association faces a challenge of elderly beneficiaries who are weak and unable to engage in economic activities.

Benishyaka Association is a local NGO that focuses on improving the welfare of widows and orphans. It provides direct support and training in job creation.