Consider reinstating the death penalty

Editor, HONESTLY SPEAKING, this psychopath who murdered a powerless innocent child in cold blood should be hanged. A ruthless killer like this should not be sent to jail where public funds will be used to feed him.

Sunday, March 30, 2014
The killer Sylvestre Hora (L) has been apprehended by Police for the brutal death of the late Shalom Isimbi Uwase. (File)


HONESTLY SPEAKING, this psychopath who murdered a powerless innocent child in cold blood should be hanged. A ruthless killer like this should not be sent to jail where public funds will be used to feed him. I think that it’s time for the Government of Rwanda to consider reinstating the death penalty. That’s the only effective way to deter the would be killers.

R.I.P Bella.

Kyezironi Amooti,Uganda


THIS IS a wakeup call to all Rwandans that maybe it’s time to reinstate the death penalty. To avoid further similar murders, there should be a screening programme of each and every house help. It’s high time that our kids, just like Bella, are protected at any cost.

R.I.P Bella.

CK, Amsterdam,The Netherlands


THIS IS shocking news. How can this culprit do this and just disappear. We cannot accept this in our society any more. Enough is enough. We need the Government of Rwanda to reconsider death penalty.

R.I.P Bella.

Marc Kayinamura,Rwanda

Reactions to the article, "Grief as house-help kills 12-year-old Nyamirambo girl in cold blood” (The New Times, March 28)