What to eat or wear during rainy season

After a long day in the cold, few things are as comforting as devouring a steaming bowl of chicken soup or a plate of warm pasta or spaghetti.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

After a long day in the cold, few things are as comforting as devouring a steaming bowl of chicken soup or a plate of warm pasta or spaghetti.

During the cold weather, eating more not only keeps you warm but also can keep you happy. In addition, being indoors is more common in the cold to avoid the harsh outdoor weather. There are certain foods to eat in cold temperatures that provide you with a greater benefit than others.

They say you are what you eat, so it makes sense that eating healthy foods can help you stay, healthy. And I am not talking just fruits and vegetables.

When the weather is cold, eating or drinking something hot increases the sensation of being warm. Baked  casseroles, potpies, freshly baked breads, hearty stews, soups and roasts tend to be particularly satisfying.

This makes the home feel more welcoming when the air outside is frigid. If you do not have time to spend preparing a meal, plenty of recipes for roasts, soups and stews use a slow cooker, reducing hands-on work to about 10 minutes.

For a different take on ‘hot’ foods, making your meals spicy can make you feel warmer as well. 

In the cold, the last thing on your mind is a glass of cold water. However, you become dehydrated just as easily in cold temperatures as you do in warm weather. To combat dehydration, a cup of warm tea is an excellent choice.

Drinking tea counts toward a healthy daily intake of eight eight-ounce glasses of water. Ginger tea is a particularly good option, as this spice naturally warms your body.

If you do not enjoy ginger tea, any spiced tea is a good substitute. Hot cider is another comforting, hydrating choice during cold temperatures. A cup or two of coffee is fine to drink but it does not count toward your day’s water intake.

Now that you have checked the weather, it should be easy to dress well too. If you are going to be out in the cold, wear as warm clothing. If it’s mid cold, try to dress in layers so that you can add or remove clothes throughout the day. If it’s not too cold, try to dress in just a few layers and pack an extra coat.