Whoever calls upon His name, shall be saved

Who declared that there would not be painful times in our fellowship with God through Jesus Christ? 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Who declared that there would not be painful times in our fellowship with God through Jesus Christ? 

In reality, how do we accept this simple truth that sorrowful moments do happen to the righteous? There is a time for everything under the sun; there are times of sorrow when you lose a loved one or times of disappointment when your expectations are not met or uncertain events happen suddenly.

God’s word in James 1:2 commands us to count it all joy. Whenever we face various trials, let us be like Job, a righteous man who committed no evil before God but went through hoarse and harsh moments in his life. All his family and wealth were suddenly torn away from him in one day, yet he rejoiced in His Maker and did not curse God.

Vividly, we see righteous men like Joseph who was elevated from the prison to the second man in command in Egypt and Daniel of whom God bestowed favor in the Babylonian kingdom possessing an excellent and skillful character in his domain.

These men, and many of their kind in the Bible, are referred to as the great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 12:1, who look down to the saints of God cheering us. They stand amazed on how our prevailing faith grows from strength to strength when turmoil and sudden disaster unexpectedly comes our way. The truth of the matter is that we are not alone in this world, God the Father sent His Holy Spirit as our comforter and counselor. He is called the Spirit of Truth who testifies everything from God, the Father.

Therefore when trouble haunts us and pain grips us, let us be rest assured that the Holy Spirit is present in our situation. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, no matter the situation. All you need is to reach out to God’s help because He is present.

Let God be true and every man a liar, our God always rescues and saves. Our God keeps watch the path of the righteous and hears the cry of the afflicted. He is our Saviour and ever present help in times of need. 

Our hideous treasure as the saints of God is our prayer time with God. Remember our warfare is not carnal but spiritual in pulling down strongholds and captivating every thought that exalts itself above the obedience of Christ.

Let us not be dismayed or afraid, for the battle belongs to the Lord and victory belongs to Him alone.