I hate people who...

I have decided to maintain a very basic haircut largely because I think if I had dreadlocks I would be thrown in jail for assaulting people who think they should ‘feel’ my hair all the time. This is a very common thing about women.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

…are always asking others about their hair. I have decided to maintain a very basic haircut largely because I think if I had dreadlocks I would be thrown in jail for assaulting people who think they should ‘feel’ my hair all the time. This is a very common thing about women.

There are ladies who just spend their day asking others about whether that is their real hair, where they went to have it done or how much it cost. Do you work for FBI specialising in hair now?  

…only use Twitter to post irrelevant information. I really don’t know whether some people need lessons on this but if you have a Twitter account and all I see are statistics of who followed you or unfollowed you then you need urgent help.

These are the same people who also post ‘I posted a photo on Facebook’ on Twitter. Lord Jesus, please come back already and save us from these people. 

…aimlessly cause others pain. I read somewhere about a house help who killed a 12-year-old innocent little girl in Nyamirambo simply because he was fired. What colour of stupidity is this that this guy has? Now that you have killed the little boy, does that mean you will get your job back? I really wish he gets lifetime employment in jail. May the little boy R.I.P.  

…think colour equals style. I am really sick and tired of people who think that they look cool with multi coloured hair. Yes I am not a fashion expert but my feelings get hurt when I see a young girl or boy whose head looks like a toddler’s colouring book.

Who told these people that they should try to accommodate all the colours of the rainbow on their head? Someone needs to stop this colour madness?

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293