Homage to Abasesero

Editor, WHEN THE world chose to turn a deaf ear and blind eye while thousands of innocent Rwandans were being hacked to death in 1994, some resistance occurred in the hills of Bisesero.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


WHEN THE world chose to turn a deaf ear and blind eye while thousands of innocent Rwandans were being hacked to death in 1994, some resistance occurred in the hills of Bisesero. Those men, women and children were hit by reality that there were no other alternatives other than standing firm and face the ruthless enemy together. 

Most of them didn’t even know whether their grandchildren were still alive, but they fought to stay alive. Today some are still alive and telling the tale. 

By reading about the people of Bisesero, I thought of how we Rwandans should behave in the wake of terrorist attacks and lurking génocidaires right across our western border – we should all courageously stand in unison to prevent them from destroying what we have built during the last 20 years.

Mutara Intore,Rwanda

Reaction to the story, "In Mwurire, we refused to die like dogs and fought the killers – survivor” (The New Times, March 27)