A good scent won’t come on its own

NO MATTER how much time you spend in the shower, or the soap you use in the hope that you will cleanse yourself of an unpleasant body odour, you can never be too sure that your natural scent is appealing to all.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

NO MATTER how much time you spend in the shower, or the soap you use in the hope that you will cleanse yourself of an unpleasant body odour, you can never be too sure that your natural scent is appealing to all.

You cannot be sure that the scrubbing you did earlier in the day is enough to keep you fresh, hence the reason you should wear a scent; deodorant or cologne.

A good scent is always top on the list of things ladies find appealing about men.

25-year-old Diane Kagoyire says that one of the features about a man that would make her turn her head is his scent.

"There is just something about a man who smells good.  It shows that he is classy, at times it is all you need to be reminded of him.”

There is a perception that a good scent has to be expensive, flown in from abroad and never heard of. A good scent needs not to be very expensive, but if you have a lot to spend, go for it. There are notable brands, like Hugo Boss, Pure Black, and Armani among others.

The most common mistake during choosing and applying cologne is getting cologne because your friend or colleague has the same. The more unique yours is the better.

It should never be seen as trendy to wear the same scent with a colleague.

Just like going without it, wearing too much of it doesn’t do any good either; it is irritating not only to the wearer but also those around. For deodorant, a few squirts under the armpits, around the neck and maybe on the chest should be enough to last you all day.

For cologne, if you would like to put it on your body rather than on your clothes, spray a little on a warm face towel and rub it over your body, but not so much on your face.

All across the city in super markets, there are cheap deodorants most of them imitations of the real brands. Considering that they are at times pocket friendly and the only thing close to a deodorant that is easily available, you can choose two of them that go together and blend them to achieve a unique scent.