Sustainable urbanisation needs suitable funding models

Editor, FOR RWANDA to achieve sustainable urbanisation, there is need to bring on board the private sector as the finance minister is quoted as saying since it is too costly and wide for one sector to solely handle. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


FOR RWANDA to achieve sustainable urbanisation, there is need to bring on board the private sector as the finance minister is quoted as saying since it is too costly and wide for one sector to solely handle. 

However, as we do this, there is also a need to ensure that it is clear on who does what as it will require multi-sectoral approach. Currently, Rwanda Housing Authority has been tasked with urbanisation and there are doubts from some quarters if they are the right people for the job.

Funding the urbanisation process is another huge task that the city and the country will have to deal with; it will take massive investments and there is a risk that it could easily drive up the cost of living in the already expensive city. It is time we identified suitable funding models.

Prince Mukunzi, Montréal, Canada

Reaction to the article, "Govt to adopt new reforms to address urbanisation challenges” (The New Times, March 25)