Kigali V-ball Club coach target top four finish

KIGALI VOLLEYBALL CLUB has set a target of finishing in the top four this season. The head coach Jean Marie Nsengiyumva has said.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

KIGALI VOLLEYBALL CLUB has set a target of finishing in the top four this season. The head coach Jean Marie Nsengiyumva has said.

The Nyamirambo-based side is on top of the table with 18 points, same number of points as INATEK but KVC have won more sets.

KVC, who dominated the national league in the early 2000s, have fallen behind rivals APR and NUR in recent years but Nsengiyumba believes his team is slowly making a comeback.

The former KVC setter said, "My team is still young but our aim is to continue to build a strong team for the future.

"Our target is to finish in the top four in the league this season. We are still in the building process, but next season, we should be in a better position to challenge for the title,” he noted.

He added, "The biggest percentage of my team is made up of junior players, who need time to grow, improve and develop their game. It’s not easy to challenge experienced teams like Rayon Sports, APR and NUR.”