Rayon Sports, APR clash raises Rwf20m

RAYON SPORTS have confirmed that their Turbo King National Football League match against archrivals APR played last Sunday at Kigali regional stadium raised Rwf20m from gate collections.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Rayon Sports supporters celebrate their teamu2019s win over their biggest rivals, which took them to the top of the table. (John Mbanda)

RAYON SPORTS have confirmed that their Turbo King National Football League match against archrivals APR played last Sunday at Kigali regional stadium raised Rwf20m from gate collections.

The game ended 2-1 in favour of the reigning champions. According to the club Secretary General, the money will be used to clear last month’s salary arrears for the players and coaching staff.

"We collected Rwf20 million from gate collections from the match and we shall use that money to pay salaries,” Olivier Gakwaya said.

Gakwaya said the club agreed with Ferwafa to issue out 7,000 tickets to the fans for the purpose of controlling and averting a stampede due to the small capacity of the stadium which accommodates about 7000-8000 fans. No incidents were reported during the match.

The entry fee was raised from the usual Rwf1000 to Rwf3000, Rwf5000, as well as Rwf10000 for the VIP section.

Most local football clubs in the country have financial issues and struggle to pay players and coaches’ salaries.

With the win, Rayon Sports returned to the top of the table standings with 49 points same points as APR but the defending champions have scored more goals than their bitter rivals.