What will be the fate of ‘Minagri cows’?

Editor, As a specialist in agriculture, I am well aware that there are many challenges and unknown factors that may ambush the minister (for agriculture) and her team, but where billions of francs are involved, it is worth hiring consultancy services. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Some of the cows that were returned by farmers to the Ministry of Agriculture. (File)


REFER TO the story, "Farmers return rejected cows to Minagri” (Sunday Times, March 23). As a specialist in agriculture, I am well aware that there are many challenges and unknown factors that may ambush the minister (for agriculture) and her team, but where billions of francs are involved, it is worth hiring consultancy services. 

It is unbelievable that we still make such mistakes yet Rwanda now has many vets. 

Mim, Rwanda


SOME OF the cows may not be productive as expected, but I think some factors could explain that. The problem lies perhaps in their feeding, housing, watering...preventive medicine...and also because of the new environment that the cows are not used to.

But claiming that the cows came with foot and mouth disease (FMD) would be a pure speculation as they were imported from the Netherlands, which is known to be free from the disease. 

The solution is to move these cows to Gishwati come the right moment, and if provided with adequate and appropriate feeding and regular follow-up, there is no doubt that these cows will recover their maximum potential of production.

Clarisse, RomeItaly