Worms in my child’s anus

Dear Doctor; We have had some relatives visit from upcountry recently but one of the visitor’s 2-year-old child has worms come out of his anus from time to time. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dear Doctor;

We have had some relatives visit from upcountry recently but one of the visitor’s 2-year-old child has worms come out of his anus from time to time.

I have noticed at least four occasions and the mother has admitted it has been there for a while. They are small, white and almost translucent. Could there be some drugs over the counter to help?

Uwera, Niboye. 

Dear Uwera,

There are over the counter drugs such as mebendazole and albendazole available in syrup form  to treat worms in a child. But they are effective only in treating the infection present at that time and offer no protection whatsoever for future infection. 

Therefore, it is important to teach the family how to maintain good hygiene for the child. Children at this age tend to pick up objects and put in their mouth. Hence it is vital to keep the objects lying around, the hands of the baby very clean. Your child’s toys, teethers, among others, should be rinsed with hot water so that there is minimum risk of infection if he puts them in the mouth. Hygiene regarding defecation is also very important. Because otherwise, a child can infect himself by fingers which have been contaminated after touching the anus.