I dewormed but body itching just won’t stop

Dear Doctor; My body itches a lot these days. Whenever I scratch, swellings occur. I have tried to deworm with mabendazole tablets but nothing is happening. Could this be worms or some sort of skin irritation? Mike S, Kayonza. 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dear Doctor;

My body itches a lot these days. Whenever I scratch, swellings occur. I have tried to deworm with mabendazole tablets but nothing is happening. Could this be worms or some sort of skin irritation?

Mike S, Kayonza. 

Dear Mike S,

Itching of body can be due to many reasons, allergy to presence of worms inside the body being one of them. It can be due to allergy to anything in the atmosphere, being consumed or applied over the body. Infections of the skin due to fungus, psoriasis, eczema, excess dryness, there are many conditions which can lead to skin itching. Immune depressed conditions like diabetes, HIV infection, aggravate this condition.The swellings mentioned are most likely due to release of chemicals in the body subsequent to scratching. Try using anti allergy drugs like cetrizine or loratidine for at least a week. If problem persists, it is better to consult a dermatologist.