My son bleeds way too easily

Dear Doctor; My 6-year-old son has a weak nose that sees him bleed even with minor contact. It has been like this since he was about two years.  Is this a disease or something? How can it be corrected?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dear Doctor;

My 6-year-old son has a weak nose that sees him bleed even with minor contact. It has been like this since he was about two years.  Is this a disease or something? How can it be corrected? Maya, Kigali. 

Dear Maya, 

Most likely reason for nose bleed occurring at this age is dryness of nose. Due to dry weather, some individuals have dryness of the inner lining of the nose. This causes irritation and itching. Not only children but adults try to scratch in the nose due to which bleeding occurs. This lining is very delicate and can rupture easily due to dryness and bleed even without scratching. Nasal polyps also cause nose bleeds, but are correctable by surgery. 

Rarely there may be abnormalities of blood clotting which can lead to bleeding from any  site, including nose. Keep nose of the child well lubricated with vaseline or oil. The moment bleeding starts, hold it hard with a thumb and forefinger. This should abort the bleeding. An ENT surgeon can examine him to look for polyps and, if present, they can be corrected.