Pursue knowledge of your existence and that your God

As children of God, we have received mercy and now walk a new life in Jesus Christ because of His sacrificial death. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

As children of God, we have received mercy and now walk a new life in Jesus Christ because of His sacrificial death. 

We no longer walk according to the patterns of this world; in hatred, idolatry or commit any evil deed before the Lord, but rather walk in His unmerited favor granted to us by our Father without debt. 

This is a gift to anyone who believes in His name and accepts Him as Lord and Savior; when we confess our sins to Him. He is faithful, just and ready to forgive and purifies us with His blood then Grace of God amply reaches out to us beyond measure. 

Genesis 1:27 says that male & female were created in the image of God, in His own attributes. God’s character is displayed in His creation; however do we hardly remember that He calls us gods on this earth in Psalms 82:6 and Psalms 115:16 declares that the highest heavens belong to the Lord but the earth He has given to man. Therefore authority has been designated here on earth to every human being yet it should be our daily aspiration to seek the purpose of our existence here on earth.

Have you lately reflected on your life and posed these questions to yourself: "Who am I? Where did I come from? Why do I exist? You already have the answers to those daring questions. Are you ready to take a ride with God and walk into the unknown? 

God always speaks to us and longs to do so every time; though we, as people, have the tendency to deny Him or not believe His words. Today the Spirit of God is challenging you to launch your net in the deep end shore, pursue the knowledge of your existence and your God. Those who know their God shall do great exploits and our God is ever more glorified when we fulfill our purpose.

Proverbs 21:27 says that the Lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man; it searches out his innermost being and that the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. God will reveal the secret treasures that lie in you if you trust Him.

The Challenge is for us to know our identity in this world, stand up to its call and step out in faith to what God has called us to be. We should constantly reach out for His hands and feet that display love and compassion, the salt of the earth that sustains communities around us, the light of the world that shines upon a hill that will draw all mankind to Him.