You meet a friend, and just before you part you request him to remind you what his phone number is and instead of doing just that they instead descend into a rant?
…get angry when you ask them to remind you of something. You meet a friend, and just before you part you request him to remind you what his phone number is and instead of doing just that they instead descend into a rant? Talking about how come you do not have their number. Hey look here, obviously if I had your number I would not be asking for it. So cut the noise and just give it to me once again so we can stay in touch.
…ask for a lift and become a nuisance. There are those times when you are driving and you see an old friend, or even a stranger who will wave you down for a lift. The problem is that sometimes these people mistake the kindness for an opportunity launch their career as MCs. I am talking about the annoying fellows who sit in your car and start talking about everything that crosses their mind hoping you will agree with them all the time.
…think it is ok to ask about something while grabbing it. There are some people you almost wish they would be crushed by those huge trucks from Mombasa. I may seem like a sadist here but to be fair when someone finds you listening to music and pulls your earphones out ‘to hear what you are listening to’ it is easy to wish them death. The same applies to the ones who see you wearing spectacles and ask to try them on. You wonder why they never ask the disabled people to let them try riding their wheelchairs too.
…suddenly become experts on anything around the world. These ones are actually too many to count—such as guys who wake up and decide that they are experts on Russia and Ukraine issues when they cannot even spell any Russian name besides Putin’s. I am talking about the empty heads who will casually tell you what happened to a Malaysian airplane when the only thing they know about aviation is the skill of making and flying kites when it is windy.
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