Police recovers stolen computers

Police in Kabarore, Gatsibo District has recovered seven of the laptops stolen recently from Groupe Scolaire Bihinga.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Police in Kabarore, Gatsibo District has recovered seven of the laptops stolen recently from Groupe Scolaire Bihinga.

Eleven children’s laptops given under the "One Laptop per Child” were stolen from the school computer laboratory at separate intervals since October last year, according to the school headteacher, Oliver Mbabazi.

So far, four people have been arrested in connection with the theft. They are currently detained at Kabarore Police Station as investigations continue.

Mbabazi said they inspected the laboratory last October.

"By then, all the laptops were in the laboratory, but when we conducted an inspection again on March 14, we found out that eleven of them were missing,” Mbabazi said.

Police is still searching for the school guards, who went missing since the theft case came to light.

Senior Supt. Benoit Nsengiyumva, the Eastern Region Police spokesperson, said the computers were recovered on Tuesday in Kanyobwa and Ruhuha villages in Simbwa cell, Kabarore Sector following thorough investigations.

He said investigatigations are also underway to find out whether there were some staff involved in the theft.