My weight, my business

So according to some people I’m overweight, but wait who gives people the permission to tell me I’m overweight? What is overweight anyway? Who decides what overweight is in society?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

So according to some people I’m overweight, but wait who gives people the permission to tell me I’m overweight? What is overweight anyway? Who decides what overweight is in society?

You see I’m tired of people running their mouths and saying absolute nonsense to me, if you don’t have anything sensible to say perhaps you should just shut the hell up.

Now this is what happened, over the weekend I decided to eat out and while I sat in front of my tray of pork, naturally I was eyeballing this other guy’s chicken but hey, I like food. Here is the thing that upset me though, the guy told me I was too fat, can you imagine? 

Of course there are people you can tell that kind of nonsense and get away with it but unfortunately for him I am not one of these people.

Now listen, I had a saucer where I was putting the bones I had so beautifully ‘cleaned’, without thinking twice I sent the saucer together with the bones flying to his direction.  Here is the thing though; he wasn’t a very small man himself.

He did not take it lightly, can you imagine he actually insulted me, he said I was probably on the fattening drugs that are given to pigs. Who says that? What kind of people do we have in this society?

You see there was something about this man that gave me a certain urge to kick him in the balls. Now, like I already mentioned, this man was not so small himself, and he even smelt bad, you see, I went close to him when I was assuring him and I suddenly felt a salty rush of saliva in my mouth. I wanted to throw up!

I’ve never quite understood why people complain about other people’s weight; do not be talking about who is fat and who isn’t and who should lose weight yet you do not even own a deodorant! Fool!

And guess what he said, apparently he is a man and therefore it’s okay for him to look like a hippo because women are many and desperate but I should look like a model because I have stiff competition out there!

Now, I’d like to send shout outs to all the ‘fat’ women who are being harassed for being curvy and sexy. I used to care about weight and all that stuff but hey, I woke up one morning and I was hungry so I said screw it, I will eat.

So whoever has a problem with anyone’s weight should go jump off a cliff okay?