Why treat workers like that?

Dear editor,I was shocked when I learnt from your paper about the mistreatment of workers at Rwacom plastic industry in Kigali.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Dear editor,
I was shocked when I learnt from your paper about the mistreatment of workers at Rwacom plastic industry in Kigali.

The poor working conditions, locking workers inside the factory at night, yet there is no ventilation, no health insurance, all left me wondering whether such workers derive happiness out of their work.

Why do you lock a person inside a factory? Assuming there was a fire outbreak, what kind of disaster would one expect? Rwacom’s Managing Director; Hitesh Shah’s argument that they lock the workers inside for fear that they could steal fuel is rubbish, as it can not justify that action.

Why do you treat Rwandans like that? Employers should be investigated and prosecuted.

Then, as if that was not enough, the employee suspected of speaking to the press was fired.

Workers should not fear talking to the press to report all cases of mistreatment and any unfairness by employers.

Some employers want to behave like small gods but they should restrain themselves.

Workers should form a vibrant trade union to protect their rights.