Does the level of education translate into intelligence?(That’s why we go to school, to become intelligent!)

The last time I checked, people are hired because of their academic credentials and not because they claim to be smart or sound so

Thursday, March 20, 2014
Patrick Buchana

The last time I checked, people are hired because of their academic credentials and not because they claim to be smart or sound so. I don’t know how it happens around the globe, but what I do know is that one’s CV has to speak for itself. Should the CV be impressive, the interviewee will be called back for a verbal discussion, which is when they can impress the employer with how smart they sound too!

Nothing beats a learned person that actually puts into practice what they learned. With such people, the more books they get exposed to, the wiser they get, and the greater the chance for them to spread that wisdom to other people around them.

Need I remind you that everything that is made easy for you like stock valuations and future economic predictions are so because someone sat somewhere studying how to make the future better and easier to live in? 

 A clear example of how books guarantee intellect is through a leader in neighbouring Uganda in the 70’s – Idi Amin Dada. We all know he was not an educated man and if the jokes still circulating the internet about him are anything to go by, it is safe to stick to my side of the debate. 

The biggest problem with human beings is that we expect too much from people. When they hear of someone with a PhD, they automatically assume that the person is some sort of genius. You can’t expect a doctor to know everything from science to why the Malaysian plane went missing to Lindsey Lohan’s net worth! What would be truly disturbing is someone with a PhD in neurosurgery who can’t even cut through his stake at dinner! I’m just saying.

Some students claim to be wiser than their teachers or professors and I believe they couldn’t be more delusional. Whereas not all teachers went far with their own education, we cannot rubbish the fact that they taught us everything we know. 

The white hair you see on some of their heads is actually a sign that they have seen more of the world. Kids these days confuse knowing the latest gadgets for actually being wise, which is wrong on so many levels, some are still being discovered. 

And it is no secret that common sense has been so rare of late; it should actually be called a superpower. So go back to school (or continue with it) and get that education because it will definitely make you wiser.