Electrogaz owes us an explanation

Dear editor,I have read some of the reports in your paper that others have submitted in the past about their lack of water for three weeks.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Dear editor,
I have read some of the reports in your paper that others have submitted in the past about their lack of water for three weeks.

We too have struggled for three and a half weeks with no water, in Kicukiro.

We understand the dry season we are in contributes to this malady. However, as a customer in good standing, who pays the water bill on a timely basis, and has an oversized reserve water tank....we have run out of patience with the so-called customer service from Electrogaz.

I have spent much of my time in the last four days on the telephone using up my hard-earned minutes with representatives at Electrogaz only to get no answers or return calls.

In fact, have been given lies about when the water would be turned on. I challenge more people to put pressure on this monopoly to better their service to their valued customers.

We provided some suggestions to them to help with their customer service. One suggestion was to provide us with a water delivery from a water truck company to compensate for their lack of service to us.

When that was not done, we then suggested they provide us with a telephone number to a water delivery truck for us to make contact on our own.

When that was not done, we resorted to writing a letter to the newspaper, against their wishes, to hopefully encourage others to motivate this company into providing some kind of customer service or customer care.

Many people around this area have families. I myself have two young children.

I have no means to provide a clean home for them, we have not one clean dish to eat out of, no clean clothes for them to wear, no way to cook for them, we have very unsanitary toilets which can contribute to poor health, and most importantly no way to bathe our bodies.

These are their core values:
1. Customer focused services
2. Commitment and Loyalty
3. Cooperation and teamwork
4. Integrity and Transparency
5. Efficiency

I cannot agree that these values are being practiced.
What will Electrogaz do to serve their people?

When will they remedy this problem?

Can they not even have the decency to provide us with a telephone number to a delivery water truck company?

Electrogaz, please help your valued customers.

The writer is one of Electrogaz’s valued customers