Agaciro Fund gets Rwf26m boost from paint company

Agaciro Development Fund yesterday received further financial boost with Rwf25.9 million from a local paint company, Ameki Color.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Kagabo and Ndamage hold a dummy cheque from Ameki Color. John

Agaciro Development Fund yesterday received further financial boost with Rwf25.9 million from a local paint company, Ameki Color.

Speaking at the handover of the cheque to Agaciro Development Fund officials, Jaques Rusirare, the Ameki Color chief executive, said the donation was meant to ‘‘awaken Agaciro spirit in 2014.”

"There has been silence on Agaciro initiative this year, yet Rwanda still has a lot of development projects to carry out. Therefore, we needed to stand up for national development cause,” Rusirare said.

The money was contributed by Ameki Color Company and its employees.

Vianney Kagabo, the chief executive of Agaciro Development Fund Trust Limited, said the donation was a reminder of Rwandans’ responsibility to nation building.

"Ameki Color has once again reminded Rwandans that the project is only for Rwandans and by Rwandans. I, therefore, appreciate their patriotic effort but I also want to remind ourselves that we should work for self-reliance and learn to find homegrown solutions to Agaciro Develoment Fund challenges,” Kagabo said.

She disclosed that Rwandans and well-wishers have contributed Rwf300 million on average per month toward Agaciro Development Fund, with Rwf26 billion raised in cash and pledges.

Agaciro campaigns 

Kagabo said Agaciro Fund campaigns are set to begin soon with other strategies such as Agaciro Cup, a tournament he said would kick off right after the end of national league championship mid this year.

Kicukiro mayor Paul-Jules Ndamage lauded Ameki Color’s gesture, saying contributing to the Agaciro project iwill help the nation develop without conditional aid. 

"Almost all foreign aid is tied; there are always strings attached to the money African nations receive from Western countries. Therefore, initiatives like Agaciro Development Fund should not only be looked at as a development project, but rather a personal project that is meant to drive us (Rwandans) from conditioned handouts to self-reliance,” Ndamage said.

Ndamage urged Agaciro Development Fund management to ensure transparent accountability of people’s money but to also invest the money back into projects that will benefit citizens and foster national prosperity and development.