New NUR students’ guild committee swears in

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE — The newly-elected executive committee of the new students’ interim government at the National University of Rwanda (NUR) have taken oath. 

Friday, August 08, 2008


HUYE — The newly-elected executive committee of the new students’ interim government at the National University of Rwanda (NUR) have taken oath. 

The committee made up of 11 members, four of them female took the oath on Thursday, about a week after their election.

The committee was elected last week by students’ representatives in classes during a meeting that was convened by the university rector Prof. Silas Lwakabamba.

The election put to an end three months period without representatives.

"Today is a special day. It is a day to celebrate,” said the newly-elected guild president, Deo Bakinga, after the swearing in ceremony.

"Let us learn from previous mistakes, we need to work together, united we stand, divided we fall.”

The new interim leadership replaces the old students’ guild which was dissolved early this year over a string of allegations.

Prof. Lwakabamba dissolved it in April 2008, over indiscipline and disputes among its members as contained in a report by the country’s security agencies.

At that time only class representatives remained as students’ envoys in all issues concerning students.
At the swearing in, the guild president Bakinga thanked the university rector for having dissolved the old students’ guild committee that had been elected by students last year.

Geoffrey Gasasira, the out-going president of the students’ guild association (AGEUNR), asked the new committee to prioritise students’ unity in their activities.

He also apologised for things that did not go well during his tenure. "I believe the new committee will achieve what we expect from them,” he said. 

Handing over the office to his successor, Gasasira outlined advocating for students’ government scholarship, bringing a transport company to university campus, and increasing AGEUNR’s money from zero to Frw6m as among their achievements.

Meanwhile, the rector appointed Médard Runyange as the new Dean of Students. The slot fell vacant after authorities fired Gerard Mudaheranwa recently during the same meeting where the new AGEUNR committee was elected.

Speaking at the occasion, the rector encouraged the new students’ representatives to work hard in solving students’ problems, saying they will be gaining leadership experience. 

They will become the country’s presidents, ministers, and other big personalities according to the rector.

"I believe it is a training ground for the future,” he told them. Students expect the new AGEUNR committee to help speed up the advancement of their studies, make the processing of their monthly bursary allowances quicker, and continue to advocate for handling of their everyday problems.
