Being ambitious will take you places

Simply by definition, ‘ambition’ means having a desire of greatly wanting to achieve something. Similarly, to be ‘ambitious’ means being determined to become successful, famous or rich among others. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
When you are ambitious, you will always strive to achieve the best even in academics

Simply by definition, ‘ambition’ means having a desire of greatly wanting to achieve something. Similarly, to be ‘ambitious’ means being determined to become successful, famous or rich among others. Obviously as many people stated it, ambition is one of the globally admired personality traits that someone could have. 

Significantly, being ambitious keeps you alert that there is always a room for improvement and growth. Furthermore, it gives you a desire/spirit of living a life of setting goals and similarly the courage to pursue those goals until they are successfully achieved.

Academically, it is wise to be ambitious while at school. It makes you concentrate more and get glued to your education and academic excellence. This is basically because it fills your heart with a winning spirit and energy to work hard so as to achieve whatever you lay your efforts and mind to. 

As I have clearly witnessed, ambitious students always want to be the best in class and this eventually makes them take an extra step in their academic endeavours. And in return, it yields them great benefits. As the saying goes, "great efforts can never go unrewarded”.

Personally, when I was in secondary school, my ambition was always to keep my grades up in the sky in all subjects. More so, to earn recognition and appreciation from teachers, students and parents. And since I knew that that would only be made possible by excellent performance, I kept focused on my studies.

Ambition also wins you lots of friends and fans because of the continuous achievements you make. Furthermore, you become an inspiration and a role model to many. 

Therefore, I encourage everyone to be ambitious because there is nothing to lose but a lot to gain. Be smart and always have an ambition!