Umubano holds debate competition

Debating is the key to building confidence and tolerance among pupils and posterity, Faith Namusoke, a teacher at Umubano Primary School, has noted.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Pupils of Umumabo Primary School in a debate session recently. The pupils said the sessions held every Friday have helped them become better speakers

Debating is the key to building confidence and tolerance among pupils and posterity, Faith Namusoke, a teacher at Umubano Primary School, has noted. She said debating also improves pupils’ speaking skills and builds their vocabulary. 

Namusoke made the remarks recently while officiating at a debate between pupils of Umubano Primary School on whether churches should start paying taxes or not. 

"We use the debate system to improve the manner in which the pupils speak English. It gives them the courage to express their views and also accept others views,” she noted.

Blair Safari, who was opposing the motion, was voted speaker of the day due to his confidence and persuasion.

 "Debate has improved our communication skills and grammar. It helps us learn new English words and increases our confidence when talking to older people like parents,” Caleb Rwema, a P6 pupil, says.