More girls graduate at INLAK

 A total of 801 students graduated yesterday with degrees in different disciplines at the Independent Institute of Lay Adventists of Kigali (INLAK). Women were the majority, totaling 443 graduates

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Some of the female graduates at the ceremony yesterday. Timothy Kisambira.

 A total of 801 students graduated yesterday with degrees in different disciplines at the Independent Institute of Lay Adventists of Kigali (INLAK). Women were the majority, totaling 443 graduates

Jean Ngamije, the rector, commended government and other stakeholders for helping INLAK achieve its goals and called on the graduands to exhibit integrity and be good ambassadors of the varsity.

"Put into practice the knowledge you have acquired to transform not only in your communities but the country as well,” he said.

 The graduation ceremony was presided over by the Mayor of the City of Kigali, Fidele Ndayisaba.

 Ndayisaba commended INLAK for its contribution in the growth of education in the country. He, however, appealed to the school to uplift its academic standards to compete favourably at  national and international level.

 The mayor called on the management to engage students in poverty alleviation programmes as well as disaster and environment management, which he said are crucial for development.

 Augustin Rubambura, a graduate of Information Systems and Management, said with the knowledge he acquired at INLAK, he will be able to initiate his own project.

 "I am able to do programming, maintenance systems/ web design which are marketable. I do not need to look for a job because with my skills, I can start up my own company,” he said.