Tongo arts gallery unveiled

The Arts industry in Rwanda received a shot in the arm with the opening of a new gallery in Kacyiru, Kigali on Saturday.

Monday, March 17, 2014
Art lovers flocked in to witness the launch of Tongo Arts gallery.

The Arts industry in Rwanda received a shot in the arm with the opening of a new gallery in Kacyiru, Kigali on Saturday.

Tongo Arts gallery is a brain child of  DR Congo born Joe Mukuna and American born Sarah Manion. The gallery produces original paintings done by Mukuna together with unique quality jewelries and accessories by Manion.

Mukuna, a graduate of l’Academie des Beaux Arts in Kinshasa said he has deep respect for the natural world and his unique and complex abstract paintings are drawn from his reverence for nature.

Manion, said that she has deep passion for art in Africa and teaming up with Mukuna is going to fulfill her ambition of bringing a new form of arts in Rwanda.

 "We hope to increasingly find means of blending new art forms and Tongo arts gallery is going to show its commitment by producing top quality products,” she said.