Airtel subscribers to access Facebook on non-internet enabled phones

Users of social networking site, Facebook, will now be able to access it from non-data enabled handsets, thanks to a new USSD based application by Airtel Rwanda, writes ben gasore.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Users of social networking site, Facebook, will now be able to access it from non-data enabled handsets, thanks to a new USSD based application by Airtel Rwanda, writes ben gasore.

The USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) service will enable Airtel customers to view notifications, comment and update their status on-the-go using USSD instead of the Internet. Karanja Njoroge, the head of sales and marketing at Airtel, said the service was introduced after they realised that most Rwandans do not have smart phones.

To access this service, customers will dial *325# and follow prompts.

However, the service comes at a fee. Daily subscription to the service costs Rwf32, while one will part with Rwf315 a month.

USSD is a menu-based system that enables interfacing with content-based services. Instead of a browser that works with the Internet, the USSD menu acts as a browser to pull content to the phone. This development comes on the heels of the recent launch of a social education initiative with the Rwandan government, Airtel Africa, Facebook and Nokia. The initiative is aimed to address five key barriers to the access of education by providing free content, free data, affordable smart phones and a localised social education experience.

Less than three per cent of the 12 million Rwandans own a smart phone.