Is it safe for a pregnant woman to travel by air?

Dear Doctor; I am in my last trimester (eight months) but wished to travel abroad and return within a week. I asked the airline if it was okay for me to fly and they okayed it. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Dear Doctor;

I am in my last trimester (eight months) but wished to travel abroad and return within a week. I asked the airline if it was okay for me to fly and they okayed it. But friends insist pregnant women are not supposed to fly. What is the truth? Is there any danger to the faetus if a pregnant woman were to fly?

Nina, Kigali. 

Dear Nina,

It is safe as well as unsafe to travel during last months of pregnancy. Many airlines prohibit flying of women in advanced pregnancy. The apparent immediate risk is delivering either on flight or in a foreign land, creating liability for the staff and risks for mother and child if adequate facilities are not available. One having morning sickness during pregnancy will tend to feel nauseous and vomit during travel. There is exposure to small amounts of cosmic radiation when the plane soars as high as 30,000 feet.

There are other minor risks as well. Sitting without moving much for long hours as in long distance flights puts the pregnant woman at a risk for developing blood  clots in legs, pieces of which can break and lodge in lungs or brain. Sitting in a crowded flight would expose a pregnant lady to various kinds of germs, some of which can cause infections. But there are no immediate risks for the baby.

Considering these inconveniences and potential risks it is better to avoid travelling by air unless very necessary. 

However, if at all one must travel, they should choose an aisle seat to have easy movements whenever needed. Tie the seat belt below the belly. If feeling nauseaous take an antiemetic pill at least 30 minutes before take off. Avoid carbonated drinks and gas producing foods during the flight. Avoid sitting continuously for a long time and get up to move around  if flight is of long duration