In relationships, is where we all find comfort

Has it ever crossed your mind how much God loves you and thinks about you? The thoughts He has towards you and how He is mindful of every aspect of your life; He is a God of relationships and seeks after you for an intimate relationship.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Has it ever crossed your mind how much God loves you and thinks about you? The thoughts He has towards you and how He is mindful of every aspect of your life; He is a God of relationships and seeks after you for an intimate relationship.

He is the God who declared Himself before Moses in Exodus 34:6 -7 saying: "The LORD, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.”

Visualise in your mindset the creator of heaven and earth talking to Moses, a mere human being and proclaiming His faithfulness and love to Him, not seeking to condemn or perish his life but rather drawing nearer to him.

Each person needs to be in relationships—a belonging, a place to lay down your pretence; a place where you are loved and able to love in return. Primarily this need is fulfilled while growing up in a family setting, but for those who grew up under unfavorable conditions, we tend to seek friends, colleagues from work, anyone we can relate to and not feel lonely.

Ideally, the world & its systems have been set from times of old that there is no way a human being can have a relationship with an unseen God; here is the Good News of the Kingdom; Jesus Christ died and rose again from the dead so that each one of us may have access to the One True God, our Father in heaven.

There are no boundaries or limits when it comes to relating with God; you can talk to Him, cry to Him, and spend time with Him every hour of the day no matter the location.

Having a relationship can’t be compared to religious prayer or attending church services instead worshipping Him in spirit and in truth quoted from John 4:23-24. 

Our God longs for true fellowship and communion; His Word says in James 4:5 that the Holy Spirit He caused to dwell in us envies intensely to fellowship with us. Let us not grieve the Holy Spirit or ignore His voice when He is calling.

Remember He is the Great Shepherd; He will lead you and not disappoint you. Hear His voice whisper in your Heart, draw near to Him for He gives grace to the humble but opposed the proud.