Handball federation to hold elections today

Rwanda Handball Federation (Ferwahand) is set to hold its general elections at the federation headquarters at the Amahoro stadium today.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Rwanda Handball Federation (Ferwahand) is set to hold its general elections at the federation headquarters at the Amahoro stadium today. Dieudonné Ndagijimana, who is in charge of the election committee said "All the candidates have fulfilled the requirements needed to stand for any position and we hope the whole exercise will be carried out in a free and fair environment.”

The incumbent president Théogène Utabarutse is seeking re-election.

The body is currently operating without a legal status and this is one of the reasons why the sport has failed to lure sponsorship from corporate companies.

Before the body registers, two to three clubs must register with Rwanda Governance Board and currently four clubs have registered including Nyakabanda, ES Kigoma, ES Mukingi and Gicumbi.

Those that have not registered are; Police, APR, SFB, UR-Huye, Gorilla, Stella Maris, Police-Rubavu, APAPEKI Cyuru and UR-College of Education.