Dairy products should be processed with extra care

Editor,  IT’S DIFFICULT to monitor the whole milk supply chain. Raw milk quality is determined at the farm. Microbial contamination takes place during milking, milk containers/utensils, storage etc.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


IT’S DIFFICULT to monitor the whole milk supply chain. Raw milk quality is determined at the farm. Microbial contamination takes place during milking, milk containers/utensils, storage etc. 

Some farmers may not even wash their hands before milking. But there are options for quality control at milk collection centres.

I understand the key quality parameters are measured at the milk collection/cooling centres. Culprits can be monitored and advised on better hygiene practices.

James Munanura, Rwanda 

Reaction to the story, "Lack of adequate quality controls affecting dairy sector – expert” (The New Times, March 4)