It’s a no strings attached kind of arrangement

You see, I have been accused of being a rebel, a woman not worthy of any sensible man. In fact it has been so bad that some women have also vowed never to let a man they know stand with me at the aisle.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

You see, I have been accused of being a rebel, a woman not worthy of any sensible man. In fact it has been so bad that some women have also vowed never to let a man they know stand with me at the aisle. All this for what, you might ask. Because I can do what millions of women are capable of doing but behind the mask of innocence.

Today my issue has a lot to do with married men, sex and no strings attached (NSA). I believe that it’s okay for women to have sex with no strings attached.

You see, I found it necessary to put this in writing because there are some things that some people like to call men but I call them low life lumpens. I was recently lied to by a certain idiot about his marital status. 

I am a modern woman (at least that is what I would like to believe). But first of all, before I go very far I would like to know, what in God’s name is wrong with men? They lie about the silliest of things, I mean what is wrong with telling me that it is a NSA sex kind of situation and see if it works for me or not, instead of taking off your ring? Taking off your wedding band speaks volumes about your stupidity.

Now look, men have it the wrong way, not all of you are marriage material, NO! So I suggest you get your head out of your behind and stop thinking that by lying about your marital status, I will look at you as a suitable husband and therefore use sex to pin you down. 

Stop believing your own nonsense; assuming deep down every woman wants babies, a husband and stability. No, we can have sex just for the fun of it too ( call me bold but at least I’m honest) but make no mistake about it - no sane woman is interested in having silly romps in the sack with a married man. There is one woman who has that fully covered and will gladly sleep with him every night because it’s her marital obligation. She is called a wife! So stay there, do not step out!

Now having said that, can some men desist from keeping side dishes in the dark about their marriages? Who does that? Seriosuly, this business of going after girls under the guise that he is single only for the poor thing to find out later that he does in fact have a Mrs at home with about four kids is about as ill-mannered as it gets. I mean this is how innocent women get acid poured at them – because of that over protective wife he forgot to mention. And you can’t blame her either can you?