The campus boutique

I didn’t know that when someone is your roommate at campus, they have the right to put on your clothes anytime any day – more so without your permission. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I didn’t know that when someone is your roommate at campus, they have the right to put on your clothes anytime any day – more so without your permission. You wash your clothes for the coming week only to find your room mate wearing them like he contributed a coin to them. I guess that explains why chicks seem to have many clothes. They keep wearing each other’s clothes. 

Well I didn’t know this and I got myself a roommate. Having gotten my salary, I went shopping. I bought myself a leather jacket that was totally unique though it cost me an arm and leg. I prayed that the next day would be cold so I could show it off. I was lucky when it drizzled in the morning. Problems arose when I looked for the jacket and couldn’t find it anywhere in the room.

I looked and looked but in vain. It wasn’t until I got to class that I saw my ‘roomie’ wearing it. It didn’t even match the red faded shirt and orange trousers he wore. Things worsened when I heard someone compliment ‘his jacket’!

I wasn’t the only one suffering though… I looked behind and saw one very ‘heavy’ boy in class wearing a very tiny shirt. He had to pull it down every now and then to cover his obscenely protruding stomach. It hit me that he was wearing his roommate’s shirt. His case was so bad because everyone knew the shirt. Worst of all, it had a drawing on it that had been over stretched by his stomach and looked weird. 

After sometime, I left for Uganda and was away for a week. You can’t imagine what I found when I came back. The soles of my shoes were a sad story – one side worn out than the other.

They had lost shape and become bigger. I was still trying to figure out how one person can wear out six pairs of shoes in just one week when five of his friends barged in saying, "today which pair are we going to put on?”