When the ‘bad boy’ gets the girl

I bet that any girl can spot a guy with a “bad boy” demeanour around him the moment they lock eyes. He has a typical sway to his walk as if the whole world is supposed to bow for him.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I bet that any girl can spot a guy with a "bad boy” demeanour around him the moment they lock eyes. He has a typical sway to his walk as if the whole world is supposed to bow for him. Instinct tells her there’s nothing good about him or no good can come from him but there are butterflies dancing in her stomach. She soon realises that she’s actually in love with the bad boy.

This is something we have seen many times and is very hard to control. During my university days, the guys who dodged lectures, frequented bars and seemed never to give a damn about anything, attracted more girls than King Mswati could handle and keep in mind that most of their victims were girls who were actually ‘good’ girls. 

A good girl has followed all the rules her whole life and has been taught to worry about what other people think about her. They usually don’t get any chance to be who they are, so they are attracted to ‘rebels’ and live indirectly through them. This means that they have to forego a lot of their natural instincts, all in the name of being good. 

Some of us are guilty of this attitude and can testify to finding thrill in it. Good girls get attracted to men who exhibit high levels of narcissism, psychopathy, and are somewhat canny - the same way being too nice too early isn’t appealing. But the bad boy appeal also has boundaries. 

They usually tend to attract younger women not the smart, independent type.  The effect of the bad boy is strong because it gives off a whole new experience to the good girl. Good guys usually are too reserved, quiet and not much fun for a chick looking to compensate on all the fun that she missed. 

Bad boys on the contrary are swift, charming, careless and adventurous which is exactly what most of these girls go looking for. If a good girl was dating a fellow church member, there are higher chances that the moment she meets the bad guy – Mr. Good guy will be history. 

The thrill of this is that the girl will feel like a captured "princess” instead of the small-town-choir-girl that she is. But trouble will come if she tries to change the "beast” into Prince Charming. 

Bad boys tend to be more confident than good guys when it comes to initiating a relationship. Naturally, women want a man to pursue them; this aggressive advance can be quite pleasing. For example, many girls will complain that good boys are "too passive or non-adventurous.” 

To all the good guys, women want a man who is adventurous, humorous and not afraid to take a risk. Simply put, these girls love a guy with a little ‘thug’ in him.