Over 70 Police officers retire

A total of 74 Police officers, including two commissioners, have retired from the Rwanda National Police (RNP).

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A total of 74 Police officers, including two commissioners, have retired from the Rwanda National Police (RNP).

Also retired are senior and junior officers.

Among those who have retired are Commissioner of Police (CP) Steven Balinda, and Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Yoweri Ndahiro.

The Minister of Internal Security, Sheikh Musa Fazil Harelimana, while speaking at the official send-off party of the retired officers at the RNP headquarters in Kacyiru today, thanked them for their devoted services to their nation and the force in particular.

"You put your lives on the line to liberate your country even when your comrades were dying in the due course, and gave it your best to build a credible police force respected today worldwide. You are, therefore, still part of the winning family and the love for your nation should continue even in your new life,” the Minister said.

He urged them not to waste their experience and to support the development of their communities. He also pledged the government’s support, when need arises.

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Emmanuel K. Gasana described them as "patriotic and dedicated comrades” who never abandoned their nation and the force in particular when they were needed most.

The IGP said their "dedicated services to the force will never be forgotten” and urged them to continue being disciplined citizens and be ready to serve the country when need arises.

CP Balinda, who spoke on behalf of all the retired officers, thanked the country and the RNP for the support rendered to them in various ways.

"This is a pride to us to start a new life with such respect from colleagues, institution and the country. We are happy to have been part of building a credible Rwanda National Police in such a short time and we will be available to serve our country whenever our services are required,” CP Balinda said.

He urged the officers and men still in service to continue the tradition of patriotism to further build a professionalised force and ensure sustainable security in the country and beyond.