Don’t be fooled by peddlers of lies

Editor, THE DECISION by a visiting group of German journalists to report on Rwanda from an objective position is a noble one. It’s good that they came to see through their own eyes the realities on the ground.

Monday, March 10, 2014


THE DECISION by a visiting group of German journalists to report on Rwanda from an objective position is a noble one. It’s good that they came to see through their own eyes the realities on the ground. As Rwandans, we may be perceived as somewhat biased when speaking about our country. And that may be true on occasions; bias is inherent to humankind. 

As I have often told friends and acquaintances from different parts of the world: I think I am telling the Rwandan story like it is, but well, what do I know? Do come and see for yourself! May these journalists convey Rwanda’s best kept secret: a visit here is likely to change your outlook on the country, the people, and the leaders.  

All that hearsay that seemed to have taken a life of its own and became synonymous with unadulterated truth in some media, local or international, will suddenly take back its right place: that of plain and simple hearsay, with no factual basis. 

That’s the beauty of personal experience, nothing trumps it...

Diyana, Rwanda 

Reaction to the story, "German journalists pledge to share Rwanda’s true story” (The New Times, March 7)