Would you date someone less accomplished?

There are many various definitions of “accomplishment”. In this case I’m referring to the education aspect. Basically, would you date someone less educated than yourself?

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

There are many various definitions of "accomplishment”. In this case I’m referring to the education aspect. Basically, would you date someone less educated than yourself?

I have heard many times people asking a friend who has just revealed a new partner about that partner’s education level or where they went to school. In Kigali, it isn’t too bad because you will have people who have gone into business without formal education and are very successful but there are some traditional people who never marry someone without that paper hanging on the wall.

Personally, I really wouldn’t care because I already don’t use that degree that took four years and thousands of dollars to get so why would I care about someone else’s degree? I cherish good humour, great conversation, resourcefulness, someone with interests and many more but just someone who has their own thing going on.

For example, I would not mind dating a primary school teacher. We all know that in Rwanda, school teachers make close to nothing so I would be the real breadwinner, but if I saw him get real satisfaction from educating young minds and he comes home and is always learning or preparing for his students, I would be happy to be with a man like that.

This is definitely not the case for every woman. I know a lot of educated women who want equally educated men. There are some women with master’s degrees who will not date men who do not have a master’s degree simply because they do not believe they are on the same intellectual level and this goes for some men too. But where is the challenge and interest? If two doctors are dating each other, where does one learn about different things in life or get challenged?

I think as our society gains more educated individuals and as the PhDs become less rare, we will definitely have people looking for partners that don’t just provide for them but are also on a level they believe to be intellectually equal. However, my hope is that if someone wants to pursue a relationship with someone else and they are comfortable with them being less educated they should not feel pressure from family (looking at you, mothers) and friends to let it go simply because they do not approve.

So 21st century women, would you date someone without a university education or an education to match yours?