Salman’s Science World

Welcome to Salman’s Science World. Today we shall talk bout an experiment such as colour changing milk.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014
Salman Aatique Richter

Welcome to Salman’s Science World.

Today we shall talk bout an experiment such as colour changing milk.

Colour changing milk

Things you need include milk, food colour (red, blue, green etc), dish soap liquid, cotton swab / ear buds, a big round plate and a small bowl (for liquid).


Take a big round plate and put some milk in it. Pour a drop of each colour in the milk

Put the dish soap liquid in the small bowl and dip the cotton swab/ear buds in the plate of the milk.

See how the colours form a pattern or design.

Enjoy your experiment

By Salman Aatique Richter, Green Hilla Academy