It’s time to review policy on promotion of learners

Editor, AS AN educationist, I have to suggest that every educational policy intervention must be based on sound grounded research and the ‘policy’ of allowing students (even the weak ones) to progress to the next class may have been necessary at the time it was promoted.

Monday, March 03, 2014


AS AN educationist, I have to suggest that every educational policy intervention must be based on sound grounded research and the ‘policy’ of allowing students (even the weak ones) to progress to the next class may have been necessary at the time it was promoted.

Is it now time to evaluate its merits and demerits and then determine whether it is still relevant? Has it achieved its intended outcomes? Are those outcomes still desirable? Is it true that this policy compromises quality?

If the discussion is based on such fundamental questions, only then can we determine whether it should be discontinued. The ministry of education may take up this matter and establish the truth in all the claims being made.

Brekmans Bahizi, Rwanda

Reaction to the story, "Activists express concern over promotion of students” (The New Times, February 19)