Rulindo, Nyamasheke best performing girls rewarded

The annual Best Performing Girls’ campaign, launched Saturday by First Lady Jeannette Kagame, continued in Rulindo and Nyamasheke yesterday, where a total of 62 girls were rewarded in the Northern and Western provinces districts.

Monday, March 03, 2014
Minister Nsengiyumva rewards girls in Nyamasheke District on Saturday. Courtesy.

The annual Best Performing Girls’ campaign, launched Saturday by First Lady Jeannette Kagame, continued in Rulindo and Nyamasheke yesterday, where a total of 62 girls were rewarded in the Northern and Western provinces districts.

In Rulindo, the awards were presented by the Minister for Natural Resources, Stanislas Kamanzi, while State minister for Technical Vocational Education and Training, Albert Nsengiyumva, presided over in Nyamasheke district.

According to a statement from Imbuto Foundation, the two districts had 31 girls apiece walking home with the awards.

Some 434 high school and primary school girls will be awarded countrywide by the First Lady-founded Imbuto Foundation.

"Nelly Mukazayire, the deputy director of Cabinet in the Office of the President, and Joyce Musabe, the deputy director-general at the Rwanda Education Board, were the role models in Nyamasheke and Rulindo districts, respectively,” reads part of the statement.

The two women leaders, according to the statement, inspired the young girls to achieve their dreams, through their own stories of success. They also interacted with the girls on the challenges women face, on the path to success.

Under the leadership of Mrs. Kagame, Imbuto Foundation initiated the Promotion of Girls’ Education Campaign in 2005, to motivate girls to perform well in school.

The campaign mobilises the community, parents, teachers, civil society, boys and local leaders to collectively support girls’ education. 

This year, more girls are being encouraged to develop technical and vocational skills, which is why St. Kizito Technical School in Gisagara District was selected for the launch on Saturday.

Imbuto Foundation rewards over 400 girls countrywide annually. They are categorised as follows: the best girl per sector at primary school level; the best girl per district at O-Level; and the best five girls per province at A-Level.

So far, more than 3,400 girls have been recognised for outstanding performance.

The beneficiaries receive awards such as scholastic materials, ICT training and funds to create savings accounts. The Senior Six girls are rewarded with a laptop each and an IT essentials training.

The training equips the girls with basic IT skills, as they continue with university education.

Girls historically faced social, economic and cultural barriers that prevented them from performing as well as they could. 

Media messages, promotional material, role models who share inspirational stories, community mobilisation and partnerships with the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Rwanda Education Board, Tumba College of Technology and the One UN, provide a platform for these barriers to be broken, so that young Rwandan girls can truly succeed.