My 64-year-old father is addicted to mayonnaise

Dear Doctor; My father is 64 but has a soft spot (appetite) for peanut butter and moyannaise. He doesn’t have lifestyle disease, though, and claims the regular exercise he does clears any bad things he consumes whenever we say the two are not good for health. Is peanut butter really bad? How bad? How about moyannaise? What alternatives could we have the old man feeding on?

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Dear Doctor;

My father is 64 but has a soft spot (appetite) for peanut butter and moyannaise. He doesn’t have lifestyle disease, though, and claims the regular exercise he does clears any bad things he consumes whenever we say the two are not good for health. Is peanut butter really bad? How bad? How about moyannaise? What alternatives could we have the old man feeding on?


Dear Eric,

Peanut butter is prepared from peanuts and oil. It was devised  as a vegetarian substitute for  good protein. It supplies calories and proteins. Fats present in peanut butter is in a healthy proportion of saturated and unsaturated fats, hence it is not harmful for the body as other high fat substances. But it carries a  risk of allergic reactions in people allergic to proteins. This can manifest as skin rashes, sneezing, aggravation of asthma and rarely even shock.  There is also a small risk of liver cancer. Because groundnuts tend to gather a mould  called aspergillosis, which can cause fungal infections and is a risk factor for liver cancer.

Mayoinnase is made from egg white and oil. It is high in fats, which can lead to obesity and associated complications such as hypertension, high lipid levels, diabetes and heart problems. One having allergy to eggs can become sick after eating mayoinnase. 

Exercising regularly is very good for health and your Father should continue this. If he has been examined and does not have hypertension, diabetes or high lipid levels, he can take both peanut butter and mayonnaise, but in moderation. If he has any of the health problems related to life style factors, it is better to reduce the use further.

As alternate substances for feeding, freshly prepared food is always healthier than these preserved and processed foods. It should be a balanced diet, including more fibre and rich in nutrients. This consists of  fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, cereals, nuts, healthy meat such as fish and milk products.