Why you should support Miss Rwanda 2014

Editor,  REFER TO your exclusive interview with Miss Colombe Akiwacu, “Miss Rwanda: Her triumph, her life and the future” (The New Times, February 27).

Friday, February 28, 2014


REFER TO your exclusive interview with Miss Colombe Akiwacu, "Miss Rwanda: Her triumph, her life and the future” (The New Times, February 27).

I congratulate Miss Akiwacu for winning this year’s Miss Rwanda Beauty Pageant. For naysayers who thought these ladies could not be beautiful and smart all at once, this interview is proof that given opportunity – and the right preparations as needed by anyone – they can do very well. I thank The New Times for conveying her message.

Last year’s Miss Rwanda seemed to have struck a chord with many, so let us root for Miss Colombe Akiwacu to do the same. As Rwandans, we all have a stake in it: remember that here and in the world out there, Miss Rwanda represents a facet of our youth. 

While pursuing their dreams – participating in other beauty pageants is absolutely fine – they should be encouraged to continuously aim higher personally and professionally. These are by no means incompatible goals.

Diyana, Rwanda