Our students should take advantage of Facebook deal

Editor,  REFER TO the story “Govt looks to maximise historic Facebook deal”, (The New Times, February 27).

Friday, February 28, 2014


REFER TO the story "Govt looks to maximise historic Facebook deal”, (The New Times, February 27). 

This is one of those landmark initiatives that might go unnoticed by many of our university students and, therefore, not deliver the intended results. Hats off to all those involved in pulling off such a very important deal for Rwanda’s higher education. 

I can’t help but recall the days when we were in university and had absolutely no access to reading material, print or online, and had therefore to depend on lecture notes alone, which, if I may say, were not comprehensive. At one point a friend of mine went to London and bought a financial management book by I M Pandy.

He became an instant hero as all of us that had anything to do with finance, from first to third year, desperately tried to get hold of it for even a day for copying rounds. Hopefully, this initiative gets exploited fully by our students.

Herbert Kwizera, Rwanda