Govt gives EA Business Council land for head office

The Government has agreed to allocate land to the East African Business Council (EABC) to construct its  head offices in Kigali

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Government has agreed to allocate land to the East African Business Council (EABC) to construct its  head offices in Kigali

In a letter addressed to the chairperson of the Council, Vimal Shah, the Ministry of East African Community Affairs agreed to allocate land in Kiyovu near Rwanda Social Security Board head offices for the proposed EABC headquarters.

In January, EABC asked regional governments to allocate it land for the construction of its head offices, a request to which Rwanda has become the first country to duly respond.

The government also agreed to continue facilitating further discussions on other necessities required to have the head quarters constructed in Kigali. 

Centre of business

"We are excited and appreciate government’s efforts to have the head offices constructed in Kigali. It’s now upon the Council to decide when the construction works will roll out,” Denis Karera, Rwanda’s representative to the East African Business Council, said.

"The headquarters will, among others, facilitate doing business across the region, but, most importantly, facilitate businesspersons with all the necessary tools they need to transact business as a region as well as with other trading blocs,” Karera added.

Currently, EABC  has temporary headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania.