Residents pool resources to tarmac road

Residents of Ibuhoro village in Kimironko Sector, Gasabo District have pooled resources to tarmac a road in their area.

Friday, February 28, 2014
Part of the road constructed by residents of Ibuhoro Village. Athan Tashobya.

Residents of Ibuhoro village in Kimironko Sector, Gasabo District have pooled resources to tarmac a road in their area.

Sylvain Halerimana, the village leader, told The New Times that the 2-kilometre road project meant to develop their locality is a voluntary initiative agreed on by residents.

"We wanted to do something that would add value to our village yet achievable without external assistance. Together, we embarked on road construction. We knew it was not going to be easy but the residents have a positive mindset. Nothing is impossible,” said Halerimana.

The project seemed way too ambitious at the onset to the residents when they were asked to contribute Rwf650,000 per household, he said.

But the local leadership put up an independent management team responsible for accountability and day-to-today running of the project.

Desire Makuza, the in charge of the concluded first phase of the project, which is about 244 metres, said they spent about Rwf13 million.

Makuza said residents were inspired by the Agaciro initiative that calls for development and home-grown solutions.


Makuza said: "When you look around this village, you will definitely tell that at least everyone would afford to raise Rwf650,000 in either installments or at once. It’s not because they have lots of money, but people here are positive when it comes to development and they would do anything possible to develop their area.”

 Jean Claude Munara, the Gasabo District vice mayor in charge of economic affairs, said the district is proud of the Ibuhoro residents’ initiative and that they are "working closely with the residents and other areas to foster development in the district.”

"Ibuhoro residents have set a standard for other cells to follow, we see them in a special way and hope to assist them to accomplish the remaining phases of their project,” Munara said.

The road will be constructed in three phases all adding up to two kilometers. The second and third phase’s construction is set to commence in July. The whole project is to cost about Rwf54 million.

Gasabo District is constructing main feeder roads connecting various sectors in the district. Munara said, in so doing, they will encourage locals to follow the example of Ibuhoro Village to upgrade their roads.